Students Personal Development Hub
5 min readJun 26, 2021

Life is hard! Being a student is hard; being a career person is even harder. Here we’re faced with the challenging question of combining two very difficult to navigate choices and not be overwhelmed.

It is hard to wake up early every day and make preparations to go to school, study, attend classes, and to top it off, have a career on the side that is being developed.

It takes a lot of dedication, discipline, hard work, smart work, and self-denial.

You will be misunderstood. Your peers will not know what drives you when you’re studying all day at school. You have to put the finishing touches to a project of two in your career, it is not going to be easy.

A smooth ride, we cannot promise you, but we all know that consistency pays off. On this road, a few guides can help us maintain the balance we so desperately seek.

Plan effectively

Failure to plan is in itself a plan to fail. You cannot make reasonable progress in any pursuit without a plan. Plan out your daily schedule: your study hours, how many courses you’re going to study in a day, and how many hours go into each course.

Regarding your career; what aspect are you going to focus on? How much time would go into this? Got a project? When will you start working on it? How much time goes into its completion?

Diligence in working with your plan is pivotal to the success of the plan. You have to work with your plan, so your plan works for you. It has to be workable, feasible, and realistic.

We tend to create unrealistic plans for ourselves because we are so fixed on the goal, and we tend to forget that it’s the process that builds us. If you plan to develop, then develop a plan.

Prioritize well

Recognize the things that take center place in your life, the things that are essential to attaining your goals, and prioritize them. Excesses have to be cut out.

This is an essential part of the development of a plan. The important things have to be given enough time and attention. Simply put, they have to take center stage.

Starve your distraction, so there is enough to feed your focus. The easy way out is never the best. It is tempting and almost always appealing to press the snooze button four times before you wake up.

It is better to relax and watch a two-hour movie when you have work to attend to, but we all know that can’t be the important thing to do at that time. Rest is important; it is essential. Once in a while, take some time off and recharge but make sure it is most important.

Stay organized

When you’re a working student or a career person navigating through school, you owe it to yourself to give your best. You cannot give your best without organization.

You have to be organized. You can only attain efficiency, effectiveness, and result through deliberate planning and organization. Strategize; you have to work strategically so as not to be overwhelmed.

You have to make sure you work on your schoolwork; a part of your career is developing as little as you may be able to. You cannot pay too much attention to one aspect and neglect another; this sense is closely related to prioritizing.

Schedule proactively

Firstly, make sure you have a schedule. You cannot work productively without a schedule. You will produce haphazard work that is neither beneficial to you nor helpful in attaining your goals.

Your schedule has got to be proactive. You should complete work long before their due dates, assignments should be ready long before they’re due for submission.

Intensive study should be done long before the approach of examinations. Proactivity is essential in other to combine school and career, or else one will suffer.

Work smart

Work smart, not hard. Do not overwhelm yourself. Work smart so you will not end up working haphazardly. The basic theme of this article is planning, and you must have gotten that by now.

The essence of planning is efficiency and effectiveness, which means you are performing optimally. A much-stressed individual cannot attain optimal performance.

Rest, recharge, take time off, sleep well. Health is wealth; feed well. Without a right state of body and mind, a plan cannot work, You cannot undertake schedules, and basically, nothing works. Prioritize yourself, work optimally.

Keep your goal in mind

You’re working towards a goal, a focus; do not lose sight of it. Every venture you undertake, every article you read, the research you undertake, the book you study, tutorials you attend, educational videos you consume, there’s a goal.

It could be self-development, undergraduate degree, doctorate degree, grandmaster title, mastery of an art or sport or whatever field your chosen career lie-ins, don’t lose sight of it.

That is your crown. It’s your journey; make the most of it and remember, you snooze, you lose.

Plan, Focus.

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Students Personal Development Hub

To Inspire, enlighten, expose & build the culture of Personal Development amongst students, to prepare them for life.